The Colorado Education Association and JESPA are collaborating with the district to provide this training during paid professional development on December 19, 2022 from 1pm to 2:30pm.
This training will be in person at 581 Conference Place. You will need to register following the instructions below.
During this training, we will cover some of the basics of behavior management as laid out by renowned student behavior expert, Fred Jones. Specifically, we’ll dive into some causes of frequently occurring small-scale misbehaviors as well as positive, instruction-focused ideas about how work with students. Please note that we won’t address large, infrequent misbehaviors during this training.
Course Page:
Only people who have created a COpilot account can register. COpilot is The Colorado Professional Institute for Learning Online Together, a platform for professional learning built by the members and educators of the Colorado Education Association.
All accounts will need to select the Jeffco ESP local association in order to register as the training is restricted to Jeffco ESP employees.
Members who DO NOT have a COpilot account
- Go to
- Click on the My Account button.
- Click Verify Now button in the pop up
- Enter personal contact information and Enter current ESP local “JESPA”
- Create COpilot account
- Enroll in the I Can Do It! class
Members who DO have a COpilot account
- Go to
- Click on the My Account button
- Sign in to COpilot account
- Enroll in the I Can Do It! class
- Go to
- Create COpilot account
- Enroll in the I Can Do It! class